Hello shoppers...
Yes, we had some ice yesterday. There's more on the way, possibly by Monday. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! (No polar bears were harmed in the making of this pic.)
I hope your ears remain equally damage-free as you listen to today's show.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show For Saturday January 15th, 2011
(Left click to listen, right click to save, don't click to not hear.)
Today's show includes four, count 'em, four, interviews with four incredibly dynamic people who are making a difference in people's lives, every day.
I start the hour off with a conversation with Greg Grove, a wonderful friend and mentor, and my former Ballard High School choir teacher. Mr. Grove was mentioned in my post last week about the power of handwritten notes.
I also chat with Kirby Stolen, a very happy and hard-working Kum and Go employee in Des Moines and winner #10 in The Smile Project.
Lori Stiles, a customer service representative for Bank of The West, joins me to share her advice for creating customer loyalty.
I wind things up with John Ronca, principal at Ballard High School in Huxley, who talks about my favorite people in the world, teachers.
A wonderful quote from William Arthur Ward:
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
May you both inspire, and be inspired this weekend.
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT.
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