Hello shoppers...
... and welcome to the condensed audio version of the all over the road long-winded written version of The Unsecret Shopper.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show for Saturday October 2nd, 2010
(Left click to listen, right click to download, don't click to not hear)
Today's show features a look back at Thursday's Secret Shopper review of Des Moines area high schools. (Click here to read Part 1.) (Click here to read Part 2.) (Click here to read a great recipe for alfredo pizza.)
You will also hear a conversation with Tony Aylsworth, one of four hard-working Assistant Principals at Ankeny High School, about the role he played in AHS's Secret Shopper review, and the much more important role he plays in shaping the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people.
Besides that kind o' Principal, you'll also hear reader reaction from other principals involved, in Reader Mailbag, a show segment title that took me three months to come up with.
Then it's onto what I think is the best customer service movie ever made, and it ain't Mall Rats.
We put a fork in the show by taking a look at a local business that's getting a fork put into it - and how much customer service played a part.
Whether you're putting a fork into delicious nachos served piping hot! at an Iowa, Iowa State, Drake or other college football game today, or just forking around with a rake and some leaves in your backyard, may you find smiles, greetings, engagement and thank yous aplenty.
You deserve them. We all do.
Catch you back here on Monday with The Morning Reaction.
Meantime, happy shopping! Just like her!
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT.
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