Hello shoppers...
Hope you are enjoying your Father's Day weekend with Pops. Just feed him, burp him and let him sleep the rest of Sunday afternoon - that's really all your old man wants, or needs.
Or, if youre looking for something unusual (and free) for dear ole' Dad, play him the entire audio from this morning's Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, on 1350 KRNT.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show for Saturday June 19th, 2010
(Left-click above to listen, right-click to download, don't click to not hear it.)
Today's show includes an overview of Thursday's secret shopper review of 15 auto repair shops in Des Moines, plus interviews with two of the customer service standouts from those visits - Brad Murray, store manager at Midas, 5618 Douglas, and Jason Huntley, store manager at Tuffy's at 2135 West Grand. Plus I'll take a look at the latest polling research from Consumer Reports - 3o,000 shoppers surveyed, about which big box retailer is their favorite, and why.
They weren't terribly impressed with Target.
Enjoy impressing upon your dad this Father's Day weekend how cool he is and how much you love him. Yes you may be lying about the first part, but that's what keeps the world in balance, with the overwhelming truth of the second part.
See you back here on Monday, with lots of owner, manager, employee and reader reaction to the past three week's worth of secret shopper reviews, and assorted other posts.
Happy Father's Day. :)
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am on 1350 KRNT. Email Jonnie at jonniewright@thebuyosphere.com.

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